Find a Location
We’ll help you find the location for your practice.

Your prime practice location.

Whether you are looking to start up a new dental practice, expand your existing network, or relocate your current practice, we can help you to find the prime practice location to suit your needs.
We work closely with commercial agents, site developers and centre leasing managers to find commercial properties suited to operating a dental practice.
You may choose to operate as a standalone provider, join with other specialist medical practitioners in a larger medical retail facility, or establish your practice in an existing retail centre. We’ll work with you to identify and source the right location for your practice.
With more than 20 years’ experience in the dental industry we can support you with:

  • Site sourcing and suitable practice locations
  • Retail lease negotiations
  • Liaising with Councils and other providers regarding necessary approvals and permits

Practice Design and Fitout

Functional, innovative and quality dental practice design and fitout

Our Process

We’ll manage your practice design and fitout from start to finish.

Case Studies

View our latest project profiles and case studies of our dental practice fitouts.

Dental Marketing

All your branding needs from logo design to promotional support.

Looking for a new dental practice location? Contact us today to discuss your needs, including your desired location and we’ll do the work for you