Welcome to FREE Workout Friday. Each Friday you will receive a free workout to start your weekend off with a bang! Each workout will have a different focus to give you a taste of the various training programs DIME Performance has to offer.
Beginner: Mild Lower Back Pain
This strength training program focuses on alleviating lower back pain.
A1) Foam Roll: Groin, Glutes, Quads/Hip Flexors
B1) Band Crab Walk 3×10/side
B2) Birddog 3×5/side
C1) Band X Walk 4×10/side
C2) Glute Bridge 4×10
C3) Couch Stretch 4×45-60sec/side
D1) Plank 3×30-60sec
D2) Kneeling Groin Stretch 3×45-60sec
All of these exercises can be found on YouTube. If you experience any pain during any of these exercises, stop and carry on with what doesn’t hurt. Do not work through pain.