To assist you in your training the team at DIME Performance have prepared a glossary of technical words, phrases and frequently asked questions that you may have in regards to your training program.
Please note this glossary is by no means exhaustive.
KB - Kettlebell
BB - Barbell
DB - Dumbbell
RDL - Romanian Deadlift
SB - Swiss Ball
SL – Single Leg
ISO – Isometric. Isometric exercises are a type of strength training in which joint angle and muscle length does not change during the muscle contraction. These are performed in static positions
Reps - The number of times you perform that movement per set
Set - A sets refers to the number of times you will repeat that exercise for the set number of repetitions
Superset - A superset is a combination of one exercise performed right after another, with no rest in between the two sets
Max or 1RM - The heaviest weight you can lift, once, for that exercise
Press - Pressing a barbell vertically over your head
Neutral Grip - Palms facing each other
Pronated Grip - Palms facing away from you
Supinated Grip - Palms facing towards you
Prone Position – Lying on your chest, with back facing up
Supine Position -Lying on your back, with chest facing up
Adductors – Groin
SMR – Self Myofascial Release. Fancy way of saying self massage with a foam roller or hard ball.