Often times the thought of eating early in the morning doesn’t sit well in our stomachs. However, if you are planning to train, then you best get some fuel in to get the most out of your session. It is important you experiment with different foods to find what sits well with you and what quantities leave you feeling light and full of energy rather than too full and sluggish.

Credit to Yann Le Meur for the infographic @YLMSportScience
Below I’ve listed some different options I have tried and played around with when having to train early. Hopefully they can spark some of your own ideas.
Meal Options
1) 1 Piece Fruit (Apple, Banana etc) + 2x Peanut Butter Toast
2) 2x Eggs on Toast
3) Protein Powder + 1 Piece Fruit
4) Protein Smoothie (Milk, your choice of fruits and protein powder)
5) Protein & Oats (cooked or raw)
6) 1x Muesli Bar & 1x Fruit
7) 1x Glass of Milk + 2x Peanut Butter Toast
8) 1x Handful of Nuts
9) Oats (porridge) & 2x Eggs
Keep it simple and fast. You don’t want to be spending hours in the kitchen at 6am putting together a meal before training. Keep the meal light enough where you don’t feel full but just enough to keep you satiated.
Let us know if you have any morning recipes of your own!