Our first Stuff you Should Read, Watch & Listen to! We’ll be collating information from around the internet from other leading experts that will help you improve as a coach, athlete or as a weekend warrior.
Eric Helms on Omar Isuf’s Channel talking about peri-workout nutrition. Do you really need protein after your workout? https://youtu.be/4livEPcsQvw
Dave Tate & Jim Wendler discussing a range of topics from programming to your training philosophy. All with Wendler’s sense of humour. “I don’t have to experience prison rape to know I don’t like it.” https://youtu.be/XqD4LuYPyUI
Variety for varietys sake. The how and why about variety in your training. Should you change exercises just because you’ve performed them for a while? Is there a smarter way to use variety within your programming?
Jim Wendler with a Q&A spouting his usual wisdom about training and life. “I would learn the value of patience, building a balanced base of physical skills and build great habits. Seeking “size” is a life-long endeavor. Enthusiasm is great. Discipline is 100000 times better.”

A very insightful article about doping in the Olympics from an athlete himself. “Many drugs that cause major metabolic changes don’t necessarily make you run faster, throw farther, or jump higher. There is literally no solid proof of their effects.”