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Health & Wellbeing

The Overshoot Phenomenon: Part 2

As explained in Part 1, an “overshoot” occurs when a taper or detraining from resistance training takes place with the intent of increasing the number of Type IIx muscle fibres. (Refer to part 1 for explanations of different muscle fibre types).


Free Workout Friday #9!

Want a training session for that crushing grip strength? Look no further. A strong grip carries over to many sports such as combat and collision sports. Not only this, but a stronger grip will also make your main strength lifts


Couples that Train Together, Stay Together! Part 1.3

Our final couple for Couples that Train Together, Stay Together Part 1 Series is: Heather Wilson & Jake Salmon @hevs_8 & @gubba87 Heather and Jake are the ultimate travelling triathlete couple from Townsville, North Queesnland. They have recently found the sweet spot

Health & Wellbeing

Tips for Motivation

Do you ever scroll through social media and see people day in day out working their butts off and you’re lying in bed with the phone above your head and the laptop to the side watching a re-run, thinking I

Health & Wellbeing

The Overshoot Phenomenon: Part 1

There are only a few papers to date showing the “overshoot phenomenon” [1, 2] and only one paper done using professional athletes within a season [3]. Explained very simply, an “overshoot” occurs when a taper or detraining from resistance training


Free Workout Friday #8!

Below is a lower body session designed for the intermediate lifter. A large focus of this session emphasises strength and size of the posterior parts of the lower body being the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. If you are not used to


Couples that Train Together, Stay Together! PART 1.2

You’ve probably seen the super ripped couple prepping for their body building competition at the gym, or the pair of runners training at the crack of dawn and think “Wow, couple goals” or on the other hand “What a crazy

Sports & Athletes

The Physics of Sport

To gain the truest understanding of why your coach or trainer specifies particular exercises, sets and reps at certain time across a training calendar year, we need to understand the physics at play and how these laws underpin athletic development.

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